One of my friends asked me a question recently in a conversation that I call the "Newlywed Game" question; "Name something about yourself that no one else knows." Well, my wife and I have gone back and forth on this one over the years, occasionally prepping ourselves with these little bits of internal trivia, as if we're readying ourselves should Bob Eubanks step out of the shadows and demand an answer.
I gave my friend a stock answer, which happens to be true: I love watching top-fuel drag racing on TV. Now, you don't know me, but if you did, you'd know this...I can't stand watching any other racing on TV. NASCAR, Indy, whatever...just tell me when they crash; that's exciting. But there's something about watching the explosive power of those dragsters sometimes literally exploding off the starting line that has always caught my attention.
I mention this because I read a post on a blog the other day (and I apologize because I can't think of the name of said blog right now -- I've been trying to educate myself here in the sexblogging arena, as I'm still new, y'all) on a game where you share something no one else knows about you, but in a sexblogger-style. The post I was reading shared an item that is similar to mine; that, when at home, and whenever possible, I'm more comfortable nearly naked.
Now how it got to this point is up for debate, but I've got a pretty good idea how it started. I'm a relatively big guy -- 6'3" tall, and until a few years ago, close to 300 lbs (I've lost a bunch since). But having that sort of metabolism just naturally stoked the internal heater in my body, and I noticed that I was always "the warm one" in any environment, be it at home, work, or out somewhere. So, to know me means that you'll almost never see me wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Sweaters? God no, though I have some nicely styled ones in my closet. And so, I think it must have started one day when I returned to the quiet confines of my own place and said, "Wow, it's warm in here; I'm gonna ditch this shirt". Of course, this is no big deal in the world of men; we get to shed shirts all the time, and society could care less. Personally, I think this courtesy should be extended to all womenfolk as well, but that's another post.
I also find that I'm efficient and lazy at the same time. Efficient, in that when I come home, I want to shed whatever pants or jeans I'm wearing to get them into the hamper for the next wash; lazy in that I look at changing into something new for the evening hours in my own home, and go "why bother?" I mean it's just for a few hours before I go to bed, right? So, I'll just stay with the undergarment du jour (switch to a cleaned pair, natch), and be able to relax and be comfortable.
I'm guessing that's how it started, many years ago. Today, it's de rigeur. My wife knows as soon as I come home from work, if we've got nothing going on outside of the house that evening, that my first stop is to the bedroom closet, where I'll me shedding the day's duds. Then I can relax. She doesn't complain or think it's odd (she loves to mention how the increased accessibility to my body has its own benefits), and so now I never think about it; it's just who I am.
Until I read that post. I thought about it in the context of comfort within your own skin, being able to be you without the outer armor, and be happy with where you are at the moment, whether too tall, too skinny, too fat, too short...whatever. I've often thought that I'd make a great naturalist, hanging out at the resorts with other people of the same mind. There just hasn't come a point in my life where the opportunity has presented itself. But I'd love to see how I'd do.
I bet I'd be a natural. And I bet I'd be cool at the same time ;)
Discuss amongst yourselves: How comfy do you feel in your own skin? Given the nature of sexblogging, do you feel that we might naturally tend towards loving the skin we're in a little more, or less (we're more aware, and therefore, more critical)? Let's see those comments, compadres ;)
1 comment:
I am a 19 year old male college student. Every other week I come home to do my clothes. Once my younger sister suggested that I do what she. She is 14 and strips naked when she washes her clothes. That way all of her clothes are clean. So I took off my sweets and underwear and put them in the washer. You should of seen sis' face. She didn't think I would do it.
Two weeks later my room mate came home with me. He also removed all of his clothes. We were nude in the family room when mom came home and found us. All she wanted to know was did we shower before.
Both mom and sis were impressed with our equipment. We were never told to put some thing on.
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