Friday, August 15, 2008

Visit Me At My New Digs!

Hello folks!

I'm really embarrassed, actually...I hadn't posted here in so long because I had taken a break from blogging, but interestingly enough, kept getting occasional email notifications that comments were being added on here. I thought I deleted this blog! Obviously not ;)

Well, I'm back, and in a mind to blog again. Please come join me at my new digs, and a blog courtesy of WordPress. I have my own domain too!

Join me (and Psyche!) at our cozy nest, and read our journal and diary!

The rest of the bells and whistles are being installed as we speak. This blog will continue to remain here for a while, for archival sake (I'm not bringing all this old luggage with me! Oof!).

Love and lust,



Anonymous said...

Hopefully you won't leave us budding bloggers for another year!

Unknown said... the best bondage sex toys ever!